“Move it or lose it”… It turns out this phrase holds more true than we ever hoped it did. This quintessential workshop will discuss and practice principles of meditation, physical activity and exercise (what’s the difference anyways?!) and connect them to learning and development. Participants will leave with surprisingly simple tools and actionables to immediately make all of their meetings and learning sessions more effective. This may seem like a tall order, but it’s just what happens when you get your systems primed!
Have you ever felt “stuck” or “blocked” when facing a particular issue or challenge?
This workshop uses image games and engages group intelligence to gently define challenges and offer possible solutions. “Stuckness” can be examined for individuals or for large groups of people. While similar to Image Conversation, the Stuckness workshop offers participants the opportunity to go deeper into the examination of a particular challenge.
Stuckness participants will:
- practice creating images to illustrate a problem or challenge
- help hold space for deep examination of challenges illustrated
- practice creating images to illustrate a solution or desired outcome
- practice achieving group consensus non-verbally
- learn to visualize the practical and emotional steps it takes to go from thorny problem to best resolution.
This workshop is especially useful in team building and promoting team problem-solving.
The workshop will go beyond methodologies and go deeper to explore the use of Empathy, Deep Listening, and Emotional Intelligence as critical tools to help more effectively lead and manage change. It will also include practical exercises to augment the participants’ learning. It will help participants to develop interpersonal skills that help them manage difficult situations, and relate more effectively with others within and outside the workplace in order to increased performance and create better working environments.
How does change happen in the brain? When humans are required to change, overcoming boundaries to do something different or new, the brain gets to work, physically creating the pathways to do so. Without this plasticity, everything would remain the same. What better way to explore this than through learning! We are in an exciting time in learning, where the boundaries of our capabilities keep growing thanks to the amazing findings of Neuroscience Using the science of how the brain learns, come on an adventure inside your brain, and get hands on as we create a living map, that taps into the curiosity of the mind, to chart the path of possibilities for learning and growth in your organizations. Get ready for a change from training, to learning! YARR!!!
Firewalking combines a festive atmosphere with personal and collective empowerment. It is ideal as a community building event strengthening the common vision and purpose. You’ll be thoroughly prepared mentally and physically in order to be able to safely walk over 400-600 °C hot glowing coals. You’ll be astonished to see how powerful you can be as collective in which each individual has connected to their purpose and experienced the full support of the whole group.
Bringing transparancy into the cultural patterns of organizations can help to speed up transformational change. The culture map is basically rooted in the concept of the spiral dynamics by Claire Graves but made applicable for the organisational context. It is one of theses concepts that is so useful as a frame of mind in the back of your head because “it explains the world” – as a participant called it – and at the same time it can be used as a tool through which you can look at organisations.
We will explore the map in an interactive fashion and give you an idea of your own culture map and how you can use it in an organisational context.
Jeder von uns hat einen spezifischen (unbewussten) Weg um andere zu beeinflussen und damit ein bestimmtes Ziel zu erreichen. Nur wenige wissen, dass verschiedene Einflussstile gründlich untersucht wurden und in unterschiedlichen Situationen eingesetzt werden können. Sowohl für Veränderungsprogramme als auch für andere Vorhaben ist es wichtig, die Besonderheiten und Auswirkungen jedes der beeinflussenden Stile zu verstehen, insbesondere wenn es darum geht, Vertrauen aufzubauen, um ein außergewöhnliches Ziel zu erreichen. Der Workshop ermöglicht es den Teilnehmern, die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten der Beeinflussung und Vertrauensbildung zu erlernen und auszuprobieren. Ca. 20% der Zeit werden für die Bereitstellung von Input für die Gruppe aufgewendet, die verbleibende Zeit ist für Rollenspiele und Interaktion verbracht werden.
Who is your team? What are their strengths? Where do they feel weakest or in need of improvement? Are they happy with the workload, or are they feeling over-burdened? How about you?
This workshop finds a non-threatening way to answer those questions and more.
The participants will:
- learn the power of making interactive non-verbal polls
- quickly learn the strengths of and challenges faced by teammates and how they feel about those attributes
- potentially discover their own strengths and weaknesses and how they feel about those attributes
Warning: Make sure to play Icebreaker games (and perhaps also go through the Ice-Breaker workshop) beforehand to build trust among teammates. Trust is key here because the best first question may be: “I feel safe expressing my truth in this space.”
It takes courage to follow a dream, a vision or a new idea, especially at the beginning, when no visible results can be seen yet and there is still a way to go to develop and implement the new. If there is trust in the success of an innovation process right from the beginning, it can develop with ease and joy.
This is what this workshop is aiming at: Confidence in oneself an one’s future undertakings. Arrow breaking, an initiation ritual from Fiji will give power to your dreams and visions. With a focused mind and strong will you will not only manage to break an arrow with your throat. Along with it you will vanquish the obstacles that keep you from moving towards what you envision.
In this workshop you will anchor the experience of your own power in your body: The confidence that nothing can stop you until your dream is manifest.
We live in a complex global world where demands of leaders are increasing everyday. With a focus on transparency, inclusion, equality, agility, possibility and collaboration, how can leaders leverage themselves to live, work and play in a way that is respectful, sustainable, and most important, fun?
The answer is simple. Curious conversations. Hiding behind texts, emails and social media, conversational skills are the most important skills leaders are failing to engage in. Research out of Stanford is showing that 9 out of 10 conversations miss the mark. Research is also showing organizations are focused on ‘soft’ skills that have hard impacts: communication skills, critical thinking, agility – all of which require curiosity.
These are skills that are expected of leaders but are never taught. Curious conversations are the disruptor needed to thrive in our global, multigenerational workplace. In our interactive workshop, participants will experience how curious conversations are at the forefront of innovation and collaboration in a time where demands are high and resources are low. Participants will experience and learn:
- The value of different perspectives, there is never just one way to do anything
- Communication skills to shift leaders from reacting to intentionally responding
- Self-awareness, clarity around how they are showing up as a leader, their impact and turning barriers into bridges
- The skills needed to collaborate, innovate, problem solve & manage emotions. Skills that are currently expected of leaders but have never been taught.
An organizations success lies in their leaders’ ability to confidently disrupt the status quo, step out of comfort zones while also being inclusive and collaborative, as they reflect rather than react.