Speaking with inspiration, projecting confidence in your abilities, feeling connected to your team and your job, transforming stress into creativity and inspiration; these are the themes central to the workshops I organize for businesses and organizations. Your voice is critical as a means for you to radiate presence, trustworthiness and authenticity. Learn to allow your own voice to resonate in harmony with your true nature and the message you want to convey. Through vocal and singing techniques to get in touch with your inner sound you will develop tools to deal with stress, and find that your speech and communication skills have a new and very different dimension. You will find out how unique your voice is, and that she has the power to guide you on your path in this changing world.
Each of us has a specific (unconscious) way to influence others in order to reach a certain goal. Only few know that several influencing types have been thoroughly investigated and can be applied in various situations. For change programs as well as for other endevours it is important to understand the specifics and implications of each of the influencing types especially when it takes to build trust for reaching an extraordinary goal. The workshop enables participants to learn and to try out the various ways of influencing and building trust. Approx. 20% of the time is allocated for providing input to the group, the remaining time is reserved for role play and interaction.
Elevating leadership capacity and creating a strong foundation of leaders across entire organizations through Conversational Intelligence® by activating your brain skills.
In this interactive workshop you will gain insights in
- what Conversational Intelligence® is
- how Conversational Intelligence® can help to improve the quality of your conversations and with that elevate trust levels leading to more innovation, better relationships and healthier corporate cultures
- how to upgrade your leadership skills by learning how to apply the latest findings in neuroscience to nurture a healthy and more productive work environment.
Bring your organisation’s pain points and you will leave with new insights on how to ease the pain.
Activism is driven by excellence and innovation. It is a sustained organizational effort driven by passion and inclusion of a diverse group. The objective of this workshop is to explore activism through improvisation and experiential exercises. Tools will be introduced as building blocks to explore. Using improvisation through play, participants will explore self-expression, interpersonal relationships, and stress management as methods to empower their activism. Participants will use their emotional intelligence IQ to tap into their ability to empathize through active listening, understand their gradient to social responsibility, impulse control, and being flexible. Utilizing these emotional intelligence skills to gain the courage to become the activist for positive corporate change.
Over the past 20 years, neurosciences have substantially increased our knowledge of the human brain. A new approach developed by a group of scientists led by Jacques Fradin have developed a framework and related tools to help us in our understanding as well as optimization of human, relational and organizational behavior.
The workshop will start with a framework explaining the role of 4 decision centers of our brain and how they interact in a multifunctional way. Then we will see how this framework can help in 3 fields:
- Individual change: our personality, our belief system, our profound motivations as drivers for change –
- Group change: Spotting various personalities in a group, detecting limiting believes, dominant and submissive positions of people in the group and how to put the group in an open and creative mind by using the adaptative decision center (as opposed to the routine decision center).
- Relations and communications in the group from a neurosciences perspective.
Let your fingers do the talking! This Lego® Serious Play® activity, will encourage participants to think beyond their own world of change, extend their own change role and see how they depend on others to successfully deliver change. Tables will work together to build the best change team they can, using a range of unique and different Lego® bricks whilst also getting the opportunity to understand the power of collaboration, co-operation and change agent networks to deliver change.
Dealing with volatility and uncertainty is rapidly becoming the number one challenge of corporate life. We live in a world where all things are intricately related. One thing here may have a huge effect there.The more complex the system the more likely the outcome is surprising and hidden from our rational understanding. The increasing disruptive changes we witness, result from a built up tension in the system that is waiting to be released. To my experience this process resembles the creation of works of art. As an artist and consultant I offer non-linear experiences in the workplace to develop organizational capacity to disrupt or deal with disruption. I believe this is becoming one of the most important 21th centrury skills. Participants are invited to experience complexity and develop disruptive competences in this surprising, creative and artistic activity.
Percussion & Disruption uses rhythmic disruption as a metaphor for organisational disruption. In the course of this workshop participants learn how to play three rhythmic patterns used in Afro-Cuban music. Afro-Cuban percussion is a rich and complex tradition which is played both in 4/4 time (typical of almost all western music) and in 12/8 time. Participants viscerally experience the disruption of trying to bring rhythmic patterns in different time signatures together. They then learn and experience how the third very simple rhythmic pattern, called the ‘clave’, is designed to be played in both time signatures and hence serves as a ‘hinge’ or ‘bridge’ across the disruptive forces from one pattern to the other.
‘Disruption & Percussion’ is a fully integrated hands-on workshop. Participants learn rhythmic structures by actually clapping them out, and are carried through a journey in which they viscerally experience rhythmic disruption and work to resolve it by learning new skills. The fundamental theme of disruption, and how it relates to organizational strategy and culture, are consistently returned to through ongoing conversation, questioning, reflection and analysis.
What is it that you want to bring alive in your work? In this workshop you are invited to work on your story, dig deeper and lift it to the next level. A good story inspires heads, hands and hearts. A great story is connected to our dreams and hopes and speaks to issues and topics in the wider world. It is authentic and purposeful. It extends an invitation and makes ideas concrete and actionable.
These elements are part of a powerful story framework that we are going to explore in this session. After a short introduction we will revisit your personal backstory. With the gems and inspiration found there, we will travel to the future you want to create – constructing the building blocks for your story along the way. The session closes with a story circle in which you share your story, gather feedback and partake in the stories of your colleagues.
When doing facilitation and training, it is very important to understand the energy in the group, also is important that the energy flows in a reciprocal way. This introductory workshops to the Inka tradition offer a good mix of theoretical background information and practical exercises for connecting with the world of living energies and harmonizing your energy field. The workshop invites you to develop your personal and collective practice of Reciprocal Leadership.
The training offers:
- To learn what is Ayni (Reciprocation), Minka (Collective work), and Ayllu (Community)
- To reclaim and grow our relationship to Mother Earth
- To understand and grow our practice of Reciprocal Leadership