Rich has been successfully delivering change for over 25 years. His consulting practice has seen him work with organizations across all parts of the globe! His legacy includes developing the change delivery model for UK government and being a founding member of the Association of Change Management Professionals, where he was founding president of the Toronto Chapter for 6 years. He has a masters in change management and is a certified Lego® Serious Play® Facilitator & Workshop Designer. He is also certified in Project Management, Process improvement, Facilitation, HR, Coaching, Counseling and Psychotherapy. His presentation delivery is known for its passion and direct challenges to the audience. He enjoys the opportunity to disrupt traditional thinking, bring humour to the learning space and enable curiosity to take control of the change space for everyone.
Developing Change Management Sponsorship with Lego® Serious Play® (Rich Batchelor)
Courage, Innovation, Leadership, Rich Batchelor, Trust, WorkshopsChange Agents are constantly challenged by senior leadership to show the value of change management to deliver successful change initiatives. Before we can discuss the right approach, we need get them sponsoring the change and supporting the change management presence. This workshop will use Lego® Serious Play® as an approach to show the value of change sponsorship, change management and leadership by SHOWING its worth and understand how to develop a psychological contract to support change management activity for organizations and their leadership teams.
Lego-Together – How to Lead Change With Others (Rich Batchelor)
Collaboration, Courage, Disruption, Leadership, Performance, Power, Rich Batchelor, Self-Improvement, Trust, WorkshopsLet your fingers do the talking! This Lego® Serious Play® activity, will encourage participants to think beyond their own world of change, extend their own change role and see how they depend on others to successfully deliver change. Tables will work together to build the best change team they can, using a range of unique and different Lego® bricks whilst also getting the opportunity to understand the power of collaboration, co-operation and change agent networks to deliver change.