This workshop is based on Process Work by Arnold Mindell et. al. Process Work is a paradigm how to work within companies these days. Process Work views companies as complex systems in which structural aspects, such as positions, the individuals filling them, hierarchy, larger cultural content and power dynamics inform the way the company is functioning. Process Work focuses on working with the interaction bringing out all the voices and making visible and bring to light the hidden insights and wisdom of the group. Having awareness of your own ranks helps you to understand why you may feel less powerful or abused by someone with higher rank. On the other side having awareness of your higher rank can lessen the likelihood of your using it in a way that is experienced as hurtful or abusive by someone of lower rank. Rank is described as the sum total of a person’s power and privileges at any given moment. You earn some of your power and privilege over your life, by facing life’s challenges and overcoming them. Some ranks are unearned: you acquire them by birth or social position. Rank is not constant and can change from moment to moment in a particular situation. Having more awareness of your own ranks in your relationships and talked about it, can radically change the way you interact and behave with people.
In the beginning there will be a short introduction to Process Work, different rank types, privileges and the connection to relationships. The participants will experiment with their own ranks and privileges, better understand the different rank types, identify with them in order to be more powerful and effektive at work. Furthermore, they become more sensitive to the hierarchies in the background of the relationships, roles and organisations and arrive at a strong position in terms of action. Also becoming more conscious of their own ranks and practice perceiving and enjoying them.