For over 15 years Caroline Serré has been accompanying leaders/change agents and organizations in transition. Her programs are mainly focused on leadership for change. Caroline is founding partner of CIC Company, boardroom and executive coach and is specialized in natural change. She dares coachees and teams to get out of their comfort zone and find the courage to explore new challenges. People are motivated to get out of their comfort zone when they have a clear vision or direction in which they truly believe.”
The Change Journey is a radical approach to change. It is based on the paradigm that change in organizations is not a linear path from A to B. As many of us experience, what happens in a change process is largely unpredictable. Our Change Journey Map then helps you to navigate through uncertainty. This Map is inclusive – which means whatever tools and models you are used to can be incorporated. For all of you who are involved in a change process – we invite you to become a fellow traveller! This is a journey – not a blueprint. Organizations and individuals can only master change processes when they are ready to find their own path. The journey then is constructed from something we already know as well as from that which is unknown.
The journey teaches us. Many organizations and legions of management consultants fail to implement sustainable change: they design the process around the tool or model they want to apply. We turn that principle around and encourage leaders to design their specific change model according to the needs that emerge in the change process. With the Change Journey Map, we offer a meta model which can accommodate your own methodologies, tools and models. It is a catalyst for dialogue and exploration of different perspectives. Through common thinking, teams are enabled to co-create sustainable actions.
“The problem with listening is that it is so easy not to do. Listening is very hard work.” (Emma J. Justes)
Most of us believe that we are good listeners. In fact, few of us are, and many of us have little to no awareness, let alone control over our listening skills. It takes lifelong and constant practice to develop our listening skills.
In this workshop, I will give an introduction to the larger concept of Deep Listening, a skill that enables those who master it to focus on other persons while not losing themselves and their purpose in the conversation. It is based on a mixture of neuro-physiology and psychology with a dash of spirituality and philosophy. It helps us as change practitioners to grow our professional capacity and as human beings to mature.
After a short theoretical introduction, participants of this short workshop will practice fierceful listening by:
- Listen to self: learning to observe distractions, suspend assumptions and turn down inner voices
- Listen to others: increasing curiosity and search for other people’s purpose
- Search for alignment: finding the sweet spot that lies between both conversation partners.
The Time Paradox – Delayed time as a catalyst for progress (Odette Meyer)
Caroline Serré, Courage, Creativity, Disruption, Leadership, Odette Meyer, WorkshopsIn today’s world we are experiencing more than ever the urge to intervene, but we often do not know how. We expect our leaders and ourselves immediately to come up with the best solution, but for complex problems a simple answer is not obvious. A correct answer and a creative solution cannot be forced under the pressure of time. We collectively feel that there is too little time, while the pressure is getting higher every day. Control prevails while confidence disappears. The opposite is necessary in order to arrive at true insights and creativity. From a philosophical perspective and theoretical framework (logic) we would like people to experience these insights (magic).
Delayed time as a catalyst for progress. That delay alone is perceived as disruptive (both in an organizational context and a personal context). It is very uncomfortable to make a pass at the point when the pressure is so high. And it is also very uncomfortable to experience the feeling of fear and failure that is coming up when you stand still. But still: shared uncertainty reduces fear and creates connection. So why not adjust your pace – stand still, sit together, debate, share stories, and create possibilities?
In this workshop people will experience different dimensions of time and the way they are able to consciously switch between these dimensions of time. Participants will also experience their unique ways to slow down their pace even in the midst of turmoil. In doing so they will experience that they tap into the power of the Visionary Self (the part of us that is connected to the Relational Brain). This is important in order to go beyond uncertainty and the ways we are used to doing things.