Jouke is a hybrid professional: artist and management consultant. Curiosity and a deep need to learn and teach have guided him on his life path. His energy has been used towards reconciling ambition, freedom and responsibity. Open to the joy of experiencing life and working to create consciousness within and between people. Knowing there is nothing to understand about the meaning of life, yet dedicated to life long learning. Presently doing an executive doctorate track in Organizational Change at the Ashridge Business School, UK.
The Art of Human Interaction (Jouke Kruijer)
Activism, Creativity, Innovation, Jouke Kruijer, Power, Trust, WorkshopsOrganizations have an inherent world of values, emotions, fears and desires. This most human, and often unconscious or hidden, world is an important part of organizational life. It is the bedrock of power and trust – these two vital forces that shape an organization’s culture, its people’s day to day behaviours, and thereby the outcomes it creates. Those leading transformational shifts in organizations need to be able to work with these forces. Traditional interventions addressing the why and what of transformation are important but not sufficient. To get to the heart of transformation, we need to address the heart – the human dimension. For this, we can draw on work in these three domains:
To illustrate this, we will present a case study of the European Investment Bank. In this we show why and how different forms of art and artistic expression are incorporated in training, team development and away days. And we will also share the initial results of a project about the development of constructive work relations through art and artistic interventions. This project is sponsored by the Bank’s Personnel Directorate, and at the same time intentionally set up and empowered as a bottom up initiative. In this project staff from across the organization design a series of events to bring about connection and dialogue between people in the organization, thus creating small steps towards a shift in the organization’s culture . Finally, we will engage and inspire participants to co-create their own change design using scrum methods to leverage art to surface Power and Trust in transformative design.
So, You Think You Can’t Paint? Ha! (Jouke Kruijer)
Collaboration, Disruption, Jouke Kruijer, Leadership, Self-Improvement, WorkshopsDealing with volatility and uncertainty is rapidly becoming the number one challenge of corporate life. We live in a world where all things are intricately related. One thing here may have a huge effect there.The more complex the system the more likely the outcome is surprising and hidden from our rational understanding. The increasing disruptive changes we witness, result from a built up tension in the system that is waiting to be released. To my experience this process resembles the creation of works of art. As an artist and consultant I offer non-linear experiences in the workplace to develop organizational capacity to disrupt or deal with disruption. I believe this is becoming one of the most important 21th centrury skills. Participants are invited to experience complexity and develop disruptive competences in this surprising, creative and artistic activity.